

2012-04-28     来源:转载     点击次数:3585




科学家通过研究确认的3种控制胚胎早期发育的基因分别是Nanog、Oct 4和Sox 2,它们是维持干细胞自我再生和防止其过早分化成非正常细胞的关键。由于目前使用人体胚胎干细胞受到政府规定的限制,因而许多有关胚胎干细胞如何工作的研究只能在实验鼠身上进行。

新的研究显示,从根本上讲,人类胚胎干细胞在人体中作用不同于实验鼠干细胞在鼠体上的作用。例如,在人体内,Nanog基因与Oct 4基因成对后控制名为外胚层神经细胞的分化,该细胞世系(lineage)能导致神经元和其他中枢神经系统细胞的产生。与之相反,Sox 2细胞与其他基因合作,在外胚层、中胚层和内胚层所有早期细胞世系的控制和新干细胞的产生中发挥着至关重要的作用。干细胞自我再生涉及多个类型的癌症。


Distinct Lineage Specification Roles for NANOG, OCT4, and SOX2 in Human Embryonic Stem Cells

Zheng Wang, Efrat Oron, Brynna Nelson, Spiro Razis, Natalia Ivanova

Nanog, Oct4, and Sox2 are the core regulators of mouse (m)ESC pluripotency. Although their basic importance in human (h)ESCs has been demonstrated, the mechanistic functions are not well defined. Here, we identify general and cell-line-specific requirements for NANOG, OCT4, and SOX2 in hESCs. We show that OCT4 regulates, and interacts with, the BMP4 pathway to specify four developmental fates. High levels of OCT4 enable self-renewal in the absence of BMP4 but specify mesendoderm in the presence of BMP4. Low levels of OCT4 induce embryonic ectoderm differentiation in the absence of BMP4 but specify extraembryonic lineages in the presence of BMP4. NANOG represses embryonic ectoderm differentiation but has little effect on other lineages, whereas SOX2 and SOX3 are redundant and repress mesendoderm differentiation. Thus, instead of being panrepressors of differentiation, each factor controls specific cell fates. Our study revises the view of how self-renewal is orchestrated in hESCs.


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