近日,徐州市中心医院(徐州医科大学徐州临床学院)史振铎等为第一作者、韩从辉教授为通讯作者在《Biomarker Research》杂志发表题为“Integrative multi-Omics analysis depicts the methylome and hydroxymethylome of recurrent bladder cancers and identifies biomarkers for predicting PD-L1 expression”的研究论文,该研究通过全外显子组测序、简化基因组甲基化测序(RRBS)+氧化简化基因组甲基化测序(oxRRBS)及对应的转录组测序(RNA-seq)等多组学方法揭示了复发性膀胱癌的甲基化和羟甲基化水平及相关转录变化,并鉴定出用于预测PD-L1表达的生物标志物。深圳市易基因科技为本研究提供oxRRBS+RRBS和RNA-seq测序服务。
标题:Integrative multi-Omics analysis depicts the methylome and hydroxymethylome of recurrent bladder cancers and identifies biomarkers for predicting PD-L1 expression 时间:2023-01-13 期刊:Biomarker Research 影响因子:IF 8.633 技术平台:RRBS、oxRRBS、RNA-seq、全外显子组测序等
参考文献: Shi ZD, Han XX, Song ZJ, Dong Y, Pang K, Wang XL, Liu XY, Lu H, Xu GZ, Hao L, Dong BZ, Liang Q, Wu XK, Han CH. Integrative multi-omics analysis depicts the methylome and hydroxymethylome in recurrent bladder cancers and identifies biomarkers for predicting PD-L1 expression. Biomark Res. 2023 May 3;11(1):47.