CI-600根系生长监测系统操作简单、获取图像快捷;改进了原来仅用根管窥镜照相获取根系局部图像(大约1.8 cm×1.3 cm)的方法;CI-600每次扫描可获得21.59 cm×19.56 cm尺寸,内插9600 dpi分辨率的高清图片,连续8次扫描可获得170 cm×20 cm的大型根系剖面图,大大减轻了原来照相法的劳动强度且为细根的分级研究、拓扑结构研究、栽培、胁迫根系生长研究等提供了目前世界上最简便,最快捷获取数据图像的研究方法。
2、可获得光学最高1200 dpi和内插188 M像素的高分辨率的根系图像,完全可以用来做根系生态和根毛生长监测研究
3、主机含有无线网络装置802.11b/g, HSPSA, WiMAX, Bluetooth 2.0 +EDR
4、含有卫星定位装置GPS ,便于远距离定位
1. Muñoz-Romero V, López-Bellido L, López-Bellido RJ: Faba bean root growth in a Vertisol: Tillage effects Field Crops Research,2011, 120(3): 338-344. [CI-600]
2. Dore S, Kolb TE, Montes-Helu M, Eckert SE, Sullivan BW, Hungate BA, Kaye JP, Hart SC, Koch GW, Finkral1 A: Carbon and water fluxes from ponderosa pine forests disturbed by wildfire and thinning. Ecological Applications,2010, 20: 663-683. [CI-600]
3. MOSER G, LEUSCHNER C, HERTEL D, GRAEFE S, SOETHE N, IOST S: Elevation effects on the carbon budget of tropical mountain forests (S Ecuador): the role of the belowground compartment. Global Change Biology,2010: in press. [CI-600]
4. Muñoz-Romero V, Benítez-Vega J, López-Bellido L, López-Bellido RJ: Monitoring wheat root development in a rainfed vertisol: Tillage effect European Journal of Agronomy,2010, 33(3): 182-187. [CI-600]
5. Fischer DG, Hart SC, Rehill BJ, Lindroth RL, Keim P, Whitham TG: Do high-tannin leaves require more roots? Oecologia,2009, 149: 668-675. [CI-600]
6. Gaul D, Hertel D, Leuschner C: Estimating fine root longevity in a temperate Norway spruce forest using three independent methods. Functional Plant Biology,2009, 36(1): 11-19. [CI-600]
7. Zhang Z-S, Li X-R, Liu L-C, Jia R-L, Zhang J-G, Wang T: Distribution, biomass, and dynamics of roots in a revegetated stand of Caragana korshinskii in the Tengger Desert, northwestern China Journal of Plant Research,2009, 122(1): 109-119. [CI-600]
8. Dannoura M, Kominami Y, Oguma H, Kanazawa1 Y: The development of an optical scanner method for observation of plant root dynamics. Plant Root,2008, 2: 14-18. [CI-600]
9. Gaul D, Hertel D, Borken W, Matzner E, Leuschner C: Effects of experimental drought on the fine root system of mature Norway spruce Forest Ecology and Management,2008, 256(5): 1151-1159. [CI-600]
10. Gaul D, Hertel D, Leuschner C: Effects of experimental soil frost on the fine-root system of mature Norway spruce. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science,2008, 171(5): 690-698. [CI-600]
11. Graefe S, Hertel D, Leuschner C: Estimating Fine Root Turnover in Tropical Forests along an Elevational Transect using Minirhizotrons. Biotropica,2008, 40(5): 536-542. [CI-600]
12. Graefe S, Hertel D, Leuschner C: Fine root dynamics along a 2,000-m elevation transect in South Ecuadorian mountain rainforests Plant and Soil,2008, 313(1-2): 155-166. [CI-600]
13. LOU Y, INUBUSHI K, MIZUNO T, HASEGAWA T, LIN Y, SAKAI H, CHENG W, KOBAYASHI K: CH4 emission with differences in atmospheric CO2 enrichment and rice cultivars in a Japanese paddy soil. Global Change Biology,2008, 14(11): 2678-2687. [CI-600]
14. Meier IC, Leuschner C: Genotypic variation and phenotypic plasticity in the drought response of fine roots of European beech. Tree Physiology,2008, 28(2): 297-309. [CI-600]
15. Fischer DG, Hart SC, LeRoy CJ, Whitham TG: Variation in below-ground carbon fluxes along a Populus hybridization gradient. New Phytologist,2007, 176(2): 415-425. [CI-600]
16. Fischer DG, Hart SC, Rehill BJ, Lindroth RL, Keim P, Whitham TG: Do high-tannin leaves require more roots? . Oecologia,2006, 149(4): 668-675. [CI-600]
17. 张志山, 李新荣, 张景光, 王新平, 赵金龙, 陈应武: 用Minirhizotrons观测柠条根系生长动态. 植物生态学报,2006, 30(3): 457-464. [CI-600]
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