粘膜粘附聚合物在口腔中牙膏滞留中的作用(Role of mucoadhesive polymers in retention of toothpaste in the oral cavity)
水凝胶的质地分析和生物粘合剂作为运动按摩草药凝胶的平台(Texture Analysis and Bioadhesive of a Hydrogel as Platforms for Herbal Gel in Sports Massage)
改性卡拉胶/果胶口腔黏膜控释贴剂的研制(Development of mucoadhesive modified kappa-carrageenan/pectin patches for controlled delivery of drug in the buccal cavity)
基于人工智能的新型口腔黏膜疫苗输送平台的设计(Design of novel orotansmucosal vaccine-delivery platforms using artificial intelligence)
局部抗炎止血湿性粘附凝胶对急性创面的治疗作用(A mussel-inspired wet-adhesion hydrogel with hemostasis and local anti-inflammation for managing the development of acute wounds)
唇疱疹:药物局部治疗的新可能性(Herpes labialis : a new possibility for topical treatment with well-elucidated drugs)
有关粘膜粘附测量的更多信息,可向我们索取并参阅文章(Developing dermal transdermal and mucoadhesive delivery systems)。