
基本信息最后更新: 2023-06-09

产品数 7 条 服务数 1 条


SHORE WESTERN 生物力学试验模拟技术公司

      Shore Western 公司是一家总部位于美国加利福尼亚州Monrovia市的高科技企业,在提供高性价比的结构和材料试验系统领域有着世界范围的卓著声誉。在设计、制造高性能电液伺服系统方面有着超过35年的丰富经验。它为科研、产品开发、质量控制等领域的用户提供了广泛的产品及服务。其领域主要包括:生物结构/材料测试及模拟系统、伺服控制系统,动静态液压作动缸、油源、土木工程结构测试、材料试验系统、汽车零部件试验系统、飞机结构试验系统、电控分油器等。


A million cycles on a hip or knee simulator is considered a million steps an average person takes per year. Most test components are simulated up to 5 million cycles or equivalent to 5 years use in the body.

• Hip components when simulated typically have a ‘run-in’ phase followed by a ‘steady-state’ phase; ‘run-in’ usually occurs from 0-to-one million cycles (1Mc) at which it transitions in to ‘steady-state’ as illustrated in the wear graph.

• Hip components once implanted can undergo four (4) individual or combined modes of wear; those being:

ViVitro Labs cardiovascular device testing equipment is used by research and development teams as well as cardiovascular researchers around the world. Our cardiovascular testing services help improve products and meet regulatory requirements for independent third-party testing for submissions to regulatory bodies.

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