Plasmid DNA Purification Services
Let us take care of your plasmid DNA purification, so you can take care of your research. Ultrapure, low-endotoxin plasmid DNA for in vivo, in vitro, and preclinical applications:
High quality plasmid purifications, customized for your specific need
Stringent quality control ensure reliable results with every plasmid DNA sample
Ready-to-use plasmid DNA in about 7 days
Want to save time on basic experimental steps? We can perform your plasmid DNA purification at any scale you need, so you can concentrate on the wider scope of your research. Our new Plasmid DNA Purification Service produces high purity plasmid DNA for research or preclinical applications. All purified DNA undergoes vigorous testing to ensure that you receive the amount of quality DNA you need.
What we can do for you
Using a proprietary anion-exchange resin with an endotoxin removal process, Invitrogen’s Plasmid DNA Purification Service will improve your success in downstream applications by using the highest quality plasmids. Whether you require purification of one sample or hundreds, need 10 or 100 mg of ultrapure plasmid DNA, or want ultralow endotoxin levels, we’ll meet your needs and your timelines.
Basic Plasmid DNA Purification services include:
Standard yield Plasmid DNA construct
Includes production, purification, and quality control testing of standard yielding plasmid DNA, with final guaranteed yield up to 100mg based on plasmid copy number and culture volume. Standard yield constructs result in >3 mg plasmid DNA per liter of LB culture in shake flask. Should the actual yield be lower or the resulting plasmid be found unreasonably unstable, production will stop while the client is given options on how to proceed. This service provides a pre-screening process for host strain selection and optimization, if none are recommended by the client. This may also include testing of different host strains and growth conditions (temperatures, times and media) for plasmid integrity and highest yields. Plasmid purification process includes removal of endotoxins to levels at or below 100 EU/mg as confirmed by semi-quantitative assay on final product during standard QC analysis. Plasmid concentration, current buffer and method of preparation will be noted.
Low yield Plasmid DNA construct
Includes production, purification, and quality control testing of low yielding plasmid DNA (including low copy number plasmids, unstable and viral constructs), with final guaranteed yields up to 100mg based on plasmid copy number and culture volume. Low yield constructs result in 1-3 mg plasmid DNA per liter of LB culture in shake flask. Should the actual yield be lower or the resulting plasmid be found unreasonably unstable, production will stop while the client is given options on how to proceed. This service provides a pre-screening process for host strain selection and optimization as listed above for standard yield constructs. This service also includes additional cultures and growth conditions to give the guaranteed yields using these low yielding constructs. Purification process includes removal of endotoxins to levels at or below 100 EU/mg as confirmed by semi-quantitative assay on final product during standard QC analysis. Plasmid concentration, current buffer and method of preparation will be noted.
Plasmid Purification from a 1L prep culture
Includes production, purification, and quality control testing of plasmids grown under standard conditions (37°C for 14-16 hours while shaking) in 1 L of LB or equivalent. These preps do not include screening of host strains or harvested bacteria from scale-up. There is no guaranteed minimum yield as the preparation is plasmid-dependent. However, most plasmids typically yield between 1-5 mg. Plasmid purification process includes removal of endotoxins to levels at or below 100 EU/mg. Endotoxin levels will not be tested during standard QC analysis unless client selects the option to purchase a quantitative endotoxin test. Client will receive a certificate of conformance from QC analysis. Client will provide glycerol stock as starting material.
BAC purification from 1L and 5L prep cultures
Includes production, purification,n and quality control testing of plasmids grown under standard conditions (37°C for 14-16 hours while shaking) in 1 L or 5 L of LB, or equivalent. There is no guaranteed minimum yield as the preparation is plasmid-dependent. For QC analysis, restriction enzyme digestion information should be provided for sizing purposes for which a restriction enzyme digest charge will apply. Client will be provided with a certificate of conformance from QC analysis.
在2000年度,在为生命科学领域提供产品和服务的行业内最大的新闻,莫过于Life Technologies与Invitrogen的合并。Life Technologies 曾于1983年合并了著名的血清、培养基生产厂商GIBCO和分子生物学产品供货商BRL。而成立于1987年的INVITROGEN更是以其锐意进取的精神在短暂的十余年间迅速发展并连续并购了NOVEX,RESEARCH GENETICS和SERVA ELECTROPHORESIS,近期更连续收购了三家在生物产品的不同领域都举足轻重的公司:InforMax,PanVera,Molecular Probes,使得我们的产品进一步扩大到了生物信息学、新药研发与筛选及荧光检测。最终合并后的公司总称INVITROGEN。我司的全部产品均符合ISO9001认证,并在cGMP标准条件下生产。
北京九宇金泰生物技术有限公司 (北京、天津、吉林、黑龙江、山东、辽宁、河南、山西、内蒙古、新疆、甘肃、山西、宁夏、青海、陕西 )
上海禾晟生化科技有限公司 (上海、江西、江苏,浙江,安徽)
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