ULICUT&RUN是一种类似于广泛使用的染色质免疫沉淀(ChIP)技术的方法,在使用少量细胞(包括单细胞和单个植入前胚胎)的情形下能确定染色质上的蛋白质定位,适合用来研究转录因子和其他的DNA结合蛋白在染色质上的定位情况。通过针对靶蛋白(如转录因子、染色质重塑蛋白)的抗体和 Protein A(特异结合免疫球蛋白G)的介导,使与 Protein A融合的微球菌核酸酶( Micrococcal Nuclease, Mnase)切割并释放靶蛋白结合的序列,并进一步建库测序分析,获得转录因子和其他的DNA结合蛋白在染色质上的定位情况。
目前常规的ChIP-seq用于DNA结合蛋白的全基因组作图方法需要数万、甚至数百万个细胞,因此在体内完成DNA结合蛋白的作图十分受限,许多生物学重要意义的细胞群中的细胞数量都不大。通常,组织样品中细胞数和细胞纯度之间的平衡,会不利于ChIP-seq分析纯化组织特异性细胞群。而 ULICUT&RUN从50个细胞中获得因子结合图谱的能力与高细胞数的图谱高度重叠,因此几乎可以从任何可用的样本进行绘图
1. ULICUT&RUIN需要细胞量较少。最少50个细胞可完成相关检测,降低了对高读取覆盖率的要求,几乎可以从任何可用的样本进行绘图,非常适合用于比较难获得的细胞并且没有细胞培养模型可以准确地模拟体内环境的情况下的分析,如早期胚胎细胞等样本的检测分析。
2.对抗体要求较低。 ULICUT&RUN与ChIP-seqg相同的是都使用抗体,具有特异性,但是 ULICUT&RUN对抗体要求较低,非ChIP级别的抗体也可以做。
3.灵敏度高,数据可靠。 ULICUT&RUN从50个细胞中获得转录因子结合图谱的能力与高细胞数的图谱高度重叠。
4.信噪比高。 ULICUT&RUN采用的是靶向 Mnase的特异性DNA切割并释放,未被切割并释放的染色质溶解度很差容易去除,有效降低背景,提高信噪比。可以检测来自发育或疾病中特別重要的稀有细胞群的转录因子结合。
Figure 1 A schematic overview of the CUT&RUNprotocol.
CUT&RUN requires less than a day from cells to DNA. Cellsare harvested and bound to concanavalin A-coatedmagnetic beads. Cell membranes are permeabilized withdigitonin (indicated by holes in the membrane)to allow thespecific antibody to find its target. After incubation with theantibody, beads are briefly washed and then incubated withPA-MN. Cells are chilled to 0'C, and digestion begins withaddition of Ca2+. Reactions are stopped by chelationincluding spike-in DNA and the DNA fragments releasedinto solution by cleavage are extracted from the supernatant
Cona. concanavalin A-coated
运用 ULICUT&RUN技术,检测的蛋白染色体定位。(A)不同的细胞数量时,CTCF和无一抗(NoAb)的 ULICUT&RUN数据。(B)H3K4me3的ULICUT&RUN数据。(C和D)小于120bp(C)或小于150bp(D)的CTCF或 No surrounding文库中建立的CTCF结合位点和側翼区域数据的富集
1. Localization of Chromatin Proteins Using ULICUT& RUN (A)ULICUT&RUN data for CTCF and no primary antibody(No Ab)for theindicated cell numbers Shown is the normalized read density TCF binding sites(center), called from GEO: GSE11431 with 2 kbof adjacent sequence on each side. Each heatmap row corresponds to one binding site(+ 2 kb), and rows are sorted from highestChip-seq peak intensity(top)to lowest (bottom). Heatmaps include combined data from two biological replicates.
B)ULICUT&RUN data for H3k4me3. Data are centered on peaks called from GEO: GSE31039 and organized as in (A).(C and D)Average enrichment ofless than 120-bp (C)or less than 150-bp(D)reads from CTCF or No Ab libraries cver established CTCFbinding sites and flanking regions