At 12 weeks of age, Pum1−/− mice displayed a wider stance (J), decreased stride length (K), and increased stride frequency (L) compared to either WT or Pum1+/− littermates. Stance width and stride length were normalized to mouse width and body length, respectively. L = left, and R = Right. Twelve mice per genotype were analyzed.
Exercise improves innervation of de novo myofibres and improves forces in vivo. (a) Representative image of a mouse during a gait analysis(top) and the gait footprints collected during the analysis (bottom). Mice were positioned in a transparent treadmill and a camera was positioned underneath to record the gait. (b) Quantification of the gait‘disability score’ resulting from the analysis of 47 parameters.
(H) Reduced treadmill performance of KIKO mice is corrected by a1ACT expression and prevented by prenatal Dox treatment. Treadmill running speed and total travel distance are compared among mice with/without Dox (_1/+1M) treatment at 1 month old. Prenatal inhibition of a1ACT expression prevented the rescue of motor behavior of KIKO:PC-a1ACT mouse in treadmill (left), rotarod (middle), and open field (right).