1. 利用长波红外高光谱识别爱尔兰基岩样芯中的不同组分
引自:1. Hamedianfar, A. et al. Leveraging High-Resolution Long-Wave Infrared Hyperspectral Laboratory Imaging Data for Mineral Identification Using Machine Learning Methods. Remote Sensing 15, 4806 (2023).
2. 利用高光谱成像分析沉积物样芯中的铜-银矿化相关热液蚀变光谱特征
引自:1. Géring, L. et al. Spectral characterisation of hydrothermal alteration associated with sediment-hosted Cu–Ag mineralisation in the central European Kupferschiefer. Solid Earth 14, 463–484 (2023).
3. 利用高光谱成像测绘地下锂矿床丰度
引自:Kirsch, M. et al. Underground hyperspectral outcrop scanning for automated mine‐face mapping: The lithium deposit of Zinnwald/Cínovec. The Photogrammetric Record 38, 408–429 (2023).
4. SisuROCK高光谱成像技术检测土壤有机碳(SOC)和总氮(TN)
引自:Sorenson P T, Quideau S A, Rivard B, et al. Distribution mapping of soil profile carbon and nitrogen with laboratory imaging spectroscopy[J]. Geoderma, (2020) .