图 1:合成纳米盘描述
纳米盘提供了细胞膜中天然膜蛋白环境的可迁移、几乎一致的复制品。因此,它们规避了增溶去污剂的问题,使我们能够在活性状态下保持膜蛋白稳定或对其进行分离,以便开展进一步的科学研究。 |
问题是,当这些疏水区与水或其他亲水性介质接触时,膜蛋白的 3D 结构将坍塌,从而失去其功能性。
为避免这种情况发生,蛋白质研究科学家通常使用去污剂(洗涤剂)来覆盖膜蛋白的这些脆弱部分。但由于使用去污剂的方法也有其自身的一系列问题,如筛选过程耗时长或3D 结构的干扰等情况。
相比之下,合成聚合物能够从其单体中形成聚合物链,插入所需的目标膜蛋白周围的细胞膜之中(见图2,顶部红线)。像饼干模具(cookie cutter)一样,将膜蛋白从膜中溶解出来,而聚合物则使膜蛋白在新形成的纳米盘中保持稳定。
1. Voskoboynikova et al.Evaluation of DIBMA nanoparticles of variable size and anionic lipid content as tools for the structural and functional study of membrane proteins.University of Osnabrück, GER.
2. Voskoboynikova et al.Lipid Dynamics in Diisobutylene-Maleic Acid (DIBMA) Lipid Particles in Presence of Sensory Rhodopsin II.University of Osnabrück, GER.
3. Zhou et al.Conformations of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1) Envelope Glycoproteins 2 in Detergents and Styrene-Maleic Acid Lipid Particles (SMALPs).Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA.
4. Hernandez & Levental.Lipid packing is disrupted in copolymeric nanodiscs compared to intact membranes.University of Virginia, USA.
5. Zhou et al.Conformations of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1) Envelope Glycoproteins 2 in Detergents and Styrene-Maleic Acid Lipid Particles (SMALPs). Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA.
6. Brown et al.Structural biology of endogenous membrane protein assemblies in native nanodiscs.Virginia Tech, USA.
7. Zhou et al.Conformations of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1) Envelope Glycoproteins 2 in Detergents and Styrene-Maleic Acid Lipid Particles (SMALPs).Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA.
8. Brown et al.Structural biology of endogenous membrane protein assemblies in native nanodiscs.Virginia Tech, USA.
9. Overduin et al.Structures and Dynamics of Native-State Transmembrane Protein Targets and Bound Lipids.University of Alberta, USA.
10. Zhou et al.Conformations of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1) Envelope Glycoproteins 2 in Detergents and Styrene-Maleic Acid Lipid Particles (SMALPs).Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA.
11. Overduin et al.Structures and Dynamics of Native-State Transmembrane Protein Targets and Bound Lipids.University of Alberta, USA.
12. Zhou et al.Conformations of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1) Envelope Glycoproteins 2 in Detergents and Styrene-Maleic Acid Lipid Particles (SMALPs).Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA.
13. Marconnet et al.Influence of Hydrophobic Groups Attached to Amphipathic Polymers on the Solubilization of Membrane Proteins along with Their Lipids.University of Paris, FR.
14. Noh et al.Cellular Nanodiscs Made from Bacterial Outer Membrane as a Platform for Antibacterial Vaccination.University of California San Diego, USA.
15. Zhou et al.Conformations of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1) Envelope Glycoproteins 2 in Detergents and Styrene-Maleic Acid Lipid Particles (SMALPs).Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA.
16. Zhou et al.Conformations of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1) Envelope Glycoproteins 2 in Detergents and Styrene-Maleic Acid Lipid Particles (SMALPs).Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA.
17. Hernandez & Levental.Lipid packing is disrupted in copolymeric nanodiscs compared to intact membranes.University of Virginia, USA.
18. Zhou et al.Conformations of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1) Envelope Glycoproteins 2 in Detergents and Styrene-Maleic Acid Lipid Particles (SMALPs).Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA.
19. Zhou et al.Conformations of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1) Envelope Glycoproteins 2 in Detergents and Styrene-Maleic Acid Lipid Particles (SMALPs). Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA.