Zhou, Tunhe, Yulia Dragunova, and Zegni Triki. “Brain Virtual Histology of a Lizard Species (Podarcis Bocagei) Using X-Ray Micro-Tomography and Deep-Learning Segmentation.” bioRxiv, July 6, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.07.05.602071.
(a) The images are aligned and cropped to keep the brain for fast segmentation. (b,c) Demonstration of manual segmentation.
3D rendering of the X-ray microCT images showing the external and internal of the head, and the main parts of the brain. The brain regions are: the olfactory bulb (green), telencephalon (purple), diencephalon (red), midbrain (blue), cerebellum (yellow) and brainstem (pink).